What Is A Hard Drive? The Ultimate Guide

I think there's an issue with my storage device, but I'm not sure
Start a free evaluationThe computer hard drive stores the files and all kinds of information and applications in the computer system. Other parts of your computer work together to show you the applications and files stored on your hard drive.Hard drives (aka HDD or hard disk drives) are made of spinning disks, or platters, that store the data in digital form. It reads and writes data on these disks as they spin. It’s one of the storage devices in your computer and can or not be the main storage technology on your device.Since the first EBM hard drive in 1957, much has changed in hard drive disk technology. The size, the storage capability, and the writing speed are a few things that improved in the last 65 years of HDD history.
Top Summary: To know more about hard drives, we have to understand how this technology works, why computers need it, and what to do if they fail. Learn how to take care and use the most of your hard drive.
A bit of hard drive history
IBM was the first manufacturer to build computers with HDDs. The IBM 350 Disk File was launched in 1957 with the code-name RAMAC. It had fifty 24-inch platters and a total capacity of 3.75 megabytes.Although very present on computers and still being the first choice for external storage, HDD are experiencing a low on the market. That’s because new technology, such as SSD and Hybrids drivers, is faster.HDD remains a storage solution thanks to its large data capacity at lower costs.
How does a hard drive work?

The hard disk inside your computer is very similar to the ones you use at home to store music, movies, and pictures (such as CD-ROM and DVDs). It comprises one or more spinning disks (called platters) that are coated with magnetic material. The hard disk also has an arm with a read/write head on it that moves across the platters as they spin. When you want to save a file on your hard drive, the read/write head writes the file onto the platter in a series of tiny magnetic pulses. To read a file, the head reads the magnetic pulses off of the platter. HDD does not store the data sequentially. The platter spins fast (up to 15,000 rotations per minute) while the arm moves across it. The read and write head record and read magnetically the information on each platter.
Why do computers need hard drives?
A hard disk is essential for a computer because it stores all the files and programs that the computer needs to use, such as the operating system. The hard disk is also where the computer stores any data that you create, such as documents, pictures, and music.HDDs can retain the data after you turn off your computer. So they are great as a storage device for PCs, laptops, and even arrays (RAID is made of several HDDs).
Do all computers have a hard disk?
No, not all computers have a hard drive. Some devices, such as laptops and tablets, use solid-state drives (SSDs) instead of hard drives. SSDs are similar to hard drives in that they store data digitally and allow you to access that data randomly. However, SSDs typically have faster data transfer speeds and are more durable than hard drives.If a computer does not have a hard drive, it will probably have an SSD. Your computer can’t function without the main data storage on it, since it needs the operating system and all the other essential applications. Some computers even have slots for both HDD and SSD.If you're not sure whether your computer has an SSD or hard drive, you can usually check the specifications or ask the manufacturer.
Do HDDs ever fail?
Yes, hard drives can fail. There are many reasons why hard drives fail, but the most common one is simply that they are mechanical devices with moving parts, and those parts can wear out or break. When a hard drive fails, you will usually lose the data that was stored on it. That's why it's important to have regular backups of your hard drive data. Yet, you can prevent your hard disk from failing before its natural lifespan by learning the best practices to use it. For example, don’t let it overheat, avoid dust getting in touch with the HDD, and pay attention to any failing signs (noises and corrupted files).
What should you do if your hard drive fails?
If your hard drive fails, the first thing you should do is try to back up your data. In case you have a backup, you will only lose the data that was stored on the hard drive since your last backup. However, if you don't have a backup, you may use data recovery software to recover some or all of your data.But, if you can't recover your data, or if your hard drive is completely damaged, you will need to buy a new hard drive and restore your data from a backup. Hard drives are relatively inexpensive, so this is not usually a major problem. However, if you don't have a backup, it can be very difficult to recover the lost data, since you’ll need a data recovery service.
Do hard disks need regular maintenance?
Hard drives do not require regular maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to extend their lifespan and prevent problems.
- Keep your hard drive clean. Dust and other particles can build up inside the hard drive and cause problems.
- Avoid dropping the device. Any fall can damage your hard drive. Even a small drop can damage the delicate internal components.
- Don’t let it overheat. Store your hard drive in a cool, dry place. Extreme temperatures can damage hard drives.
What are some of the most common hard drive problems?
The most common hard drive problems include:
- Physical damage (such as a dropped or damaged hard drive).
- Logical damage (such as corrupt files).
- Firmware errors.
A qualified data recovery specialist can often restore your data from any damage. But, sometimes, you’ll still need a new HDD.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of hard disks?
Advantages of hard drives:
- They are relatively inexpensive.
- They can store large amounts of data.
- They are fast.
- They are easy to use (you can start using them without having to install any software).
Disadvantages of hard drives:
- They are mechanical devices with moving parts (meaning HDDs are susceptible to failure if dropped).
- They are larger and heavier than other types of storage devices.
- They will not work if there is a power outage.
Learn if an SSD is a better option for you in our Hard Disk Drive vs. Solid State Drive breakdown.
What are the different types of hard drives?
The most common type of hard drive is the spinning hard drive, which features one or more spinning platters and uses magnetic storage to store data. Solid-state hard drives (SSDs) are another type of hard drive that uses flash memory instead of spinning platters. SSDs typically have faster data transfer speeds than spinning hard drives, but they also are more expensive.[fusion_code]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[/fusion_code]Hybrid hard drives are the third type of hard drive that combines elements of both spinning hard drives and SSDs. Hybrid hard drives typically have larger capacities than SSDs and faster data transfer speeds than spinning hard drives.
Which are the different HDD connection types?
The most common type of hard drive connection is the SATA (Serial ATA) interface, which is used in most desktop computers and laptops. Other hard drive connection types include SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), and SCSI (Small Computer System Interface). Some hard drives also come with a USB or Thunderbolt interface for connecting to external devices.Which hard drive connection type you need depends on your computer's motherboard and the type of hard drive you're using. Be sure to check compatibility before buying a hard drive or upgrading your existing hard drive.
What are the differences between internal and external hard drives?
The hard drive installed inside of your computer is the internal hard drive. External hard drives are hard drives that connect to your computer via a USB or other type of connection. External hard drives are typically smaller and more portable than internal hard drives. But they also tend to be less durable and have slower data transfer speeds.You can use both internal and external hard drives to store data. However, external hard drives are usually used for backups or for storing data that you want to be able to access from multiple computers. Internal hard drives are typically used for storing the operating system, applications, and other files that you use regularly.
What are some other types of storage?
Besides hard drives, there are other types of storage devices that you can use to store your data. These include solid-state drives (SSDs), which are becoming more popular in laptops and other portable devices because they are more durable and use less power than hard drives. SSDs work in a similar way to hard drives, but instead of using spinning disks, they store data on interconnected flash memory chips.There are also cloud storage services, which allow you to store your data on remote servers accessed via the internet. These services are convenient because you can access your data from any internet-connected device, but they can be more expensive than storing your data on a hard drive or SSD.Check this quick guide for all types of storage device options on the market at the moment.
How to choose your HDD
Now that you know everything about hard drives you can select it better when buying your new laptop or building your desktop PC.Your goal is what will lead to your decision. If you need to fast write/read data, then you should look for a higher RPM. But, if what matters is the storage capacity, then a 2TB HDD is more interesting than the common 500GB.
TL; DR: Hard drive, HDD, or hard disks are three names for the storage technology you use every day on your work PC or your personal laptop. It’s where the operating system is stored and you need it to boot your computer and use it efficiently.
For any hard drive issue, make sure you contact a SalvageData expert to help you with your device and data.
Related services
These are the most commonly requested data recovery services. At our headquarters' cleanroom lab, our certified engineers conduct a thorough review of any type of physical storage device, determining if there is logical or physical damage and carefully restoring all of the lost files.ces.

External Drive Data Recovery
We recover data from both external SSD and HDD drives. Rely on certified experts to restore your important files from damaged or corrupted external drives.

Hard Drive Data Recovery
Recover data from all brands of HDD, PC hard drives, and hybrid disks. Our specialists ensure fast and secure recovery for any data loss scenario.

NAS Data Recovery
Recover data from NAS devices, including RAID configurations. Our team handles all types of NAS systems and ensures data recovery with minimal downtime.

RAID Data Recovery
Our RAID data recovery services cover RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, and other configurations. We offer expert solutions for failed, degraded, or corrupted RAID arrays.

SAN Data Recovery
Our team specializes in handling SAN devices from leading manufacturers like Dell EMC, HP, and IBM, ensuring efficient recovery with minimal disruption to your operations.

SD Card Data Recovery
Our recovery experts specialize in restoring data from SD and memory cards. We guarantee quick recovery with a no-data, no-charge policy.

SSD Data Recovery
Our data recovery experts handle all SSD data loss scenarios with advanced tools, ensuring maximum recovery with high-security protocols.

USB Flash Drive Data Recovery
Recover lost data from USB flash drives, regardless of the damage or brand. We offer free in-lab evaluations to assess data recovery needs.
If you’re unsure about which data recovery service to choose, let our team assist you in selecting the appropriate solutions. We understand the anxiety that comes with a sudden drive failure, and we are more prompt in our actions compared to other recovery service providers.