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  • Heloise Montini

    Heloise Montini

    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.


    SD Card Not Showing Up: How To Fix & Recover The Data

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    Heloise Montini

    Heloise Montini

    Heloise Montini is a content writer whose background in journalism make her an asset when researching and writing tech content. Also, her personal aspirations in creative writing and PC gaming make her articles on data storage and data recovery accessible for a wide audience.


    Laura Pompeu

    Laura Pompeu

    With 10 years of experience in journalism, SEO & digital marketing, Laura Pompeu uses her skills and experience to manage (and sometimes write) content focused on technology and business strategies.


    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    How to Fix a Corrupted SD Card Without Formatting

    Also known as memory cards, SD cards are more resistant to physical damage than other external data storage devices. A memory card has a better chance of surviving extreme conditions like dust, water, shocks, and even drops from great heights than, for example, a USB flash drive. Yet, you can face a corrupted SD card […]

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