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  • Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Globe Ransomware Data Recovery

    Globe is a file-encrypting virus that was first spotted in the wild in early 2016. Unlike most other ransomware families, Globe ransomware does not seem to have any specific targets and seems to be spread indiscriminately.   Globe (Broken) is a variant of Globe Ransomware that was first spotted in the wild in early 2016. […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Hucky Ransomware Data Recovery

    Hucky Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and demands a ransom for the decryption key. History Hucky was first discovered in 2017. How does Hucky Ransomware work? This ransomware encrypts your files using a strong encryption algorithm. Once your files are encrypted, you will see a ransom note that demands payment […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    HydraCrypt Ransomware Data Recovery

    What is HydraCrypt Ransomware? HydraCrypt is a virus that encrypts your files and demands a ransom for the decryption key. We classify it as a ransomware trojan, which is among the most dangerous types of malware. This ransomware is particularly dangerous because it uses strong encryption that cannot be easily broken. This means that even […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    GOG Ransomware Data Recovery

    GOG is a dangerous malware that encrypts your files and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. GOG ransomware is a serious threat to your data. This type of malware is hazardous because it can render your important files completely unreadable, making it difficult or even impossible to recover your data without paying the ransom. […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    IFN643 Ransomware Data Recovery

    What is IFN643 Ransomware? IFN643 is a type of computer virus that encrypts files on an infected computer and demands a ransom be paid to unlock the files. Attackers typically spread this type of malware through email attachments or by downloading infected files from untrustworthy websites. IFN643 Ransomware can cause significant financial damage to individuals […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Kirk Ransomware

    Kirk Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on your computer and demands a ransom to decrypt them. History Kirk Ransomware was first discovered in February 2019. How does it spread? Attackers usually spread Kirk Ransomware through email attachments or malicious websites. They can also spread it through removable media such as USB […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Kolobo Ransomware Data Recovery

    What is Kolobo Ransomware? Kolobo Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts victims’ files and demands a ransom for the decryption key. History This ransomware was first spotted in the wild in August 2019. How does Kolobo Ransomware work? Kolobo uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption to encrypt victims’ files. Once Kolobo Ransomware has […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Kostya Ransomware Data Recovery

    What is Kostya Ransomware? Kostya is a type of malicious software that encrypts your files and demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. History Kostya was first discovered in December 2016 by security researchers. It is a variant of the Locky Ransomware, which was first seen in February 2016. How does Kostya […]

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    Bogdan Glushko

    Bogdan Glushko

    CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


    Kozy.Jozy Ransomware Data Recovery

    Kozy.Jozy Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and demands a ransom for the decryption key. This ransomware is particularly dangerous because it uses strong encryption, making it very difficult to recover your files without paying the ransom. History Kozy.Jozy was first discovered in early 2017. Since then, it has been continuously […]

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